Zoe Sigman

Zoe is a Data Analyst at the Missing Migrants Project. They are currently working on their Masters of Public Policy at The Hertie School in Berlin, Germany with a focus on policy analysis and open-source human rights investigations. They are on exchange at UCLA for the Fall '23 semester focusing on learning how to make maps using ArcGIS. In July 2023, they cofounded the Hertie School Digital Verification Corps in collaboration with Amnesty International, where they work with their team to verify information related to human rights abuses around the world. 

Prior to Zoe’s work with IOM, they were a science and social justice writer focused on cannabinoid pharmacology and policy, carceral data collection in the US, and sex work, with publications in Vogue among others. They were also the Administrative Director for Haymarket Pole Collective, a group of sex workers advocating for equity in their workplaces. They have testified to the FDA on how to regulate CBD and cannabis in the US. Zoe holds a B.A. from Cornell College with a double major in Modern U.S. History and Theatre.