Who We Are
WHO WE AREEstablished in September 2015, the International Organization for Migration’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre was set up to respond to calls for better international migration data and analysis. Data are key to inform migration governance, improve programming and promote a better public understanding of migration.
IOM Global
IOM Global
Our Work
Our WorkData is key to inform migration governance, improve programming and promote a better public understanding of migration. GMDAC works toward this purpose through activities in knowledge management, data capacity-building and innovation, and data collection and analysis.
Areas of Work
Areas of Work
- Data and Resources
- Take Action

Olivia Aitken
Liv has recently graduated with a Master of Public Policy from the Hertie School where she focused on quantitative methods and social policy. Her Master’s thesis used statistical tools to look at how the transition to fatherhood affected men’s working hours in Australia based on different policy settings. Previously, she worked at the Australian Human Rights Commission providing policy advice across a range of human rights areas, including on children’s rights and the child protection system, race discrimination, and Australia’s legislative framework for human rights protections. She also led the Commission’s engagement in Australia’s third cycle of the UN Universal Periodic Review. She received her undergraduate degree in Government and International Relations with First Class Honours from the University of Sydney.