
Training Workshop on Migration Data Management

Carla Rojas Paz (Migration Data Editor, IOM’s GMDAC) represented IOM at a Prague Process “Training Workshop on Migration Data Management”, in Vilnius, Lithuania, from 8–10 October 2019.

The meeting was attended by approximately 20 government officials from Prague Process Member States representing their respective governments’ ministries of interior or security and state migration services. Other than GMDAC, there were also four external trainers representing: the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, the Italian National Institute of Statistics and Delmi (the Migration Studies Delegation, Sweden).

GMDAC’s presentation on “Data for Policy” included interactive parts and group exercises, including a multiple-choice quiz about the availability of data on international migrants and the financing of national statistics.

The Prague Process is a targeted migration dialogue and a policy process to promote migration partnerships among the countries of the European Union, Schengen Area, Eastern Partnership, Western Balkans, Central Asia, the Russian Federation and Turkey.