

Regional M&E Officer

Martin Schmitt has been with IOM since 2016 and currently works as Regional M&E Officer at the Regional Office in San José, Costa Rica. He holds a B.A. in Socio-Economics and a M.A. in Development Economics and International Studies with a focus on empirical, mostly quantitative research methods. Before his current position he worked for around 3 years as Head of IOM Germany’s research and monitoring team in various thematic areas among others AVRR, resettlement and diaspora engagement in Germany. In the time before IOM, Martin participated in a large panel study on educational outcomes of adults at the German Federal Employment Agency and conducted various internships, among others at the German Development Institute and UN ECLAC. 

International Organization for Migration
Country of institution/residence
Costa Rica
Regional Scope
Geographic Scope
Organization Type
International Organization
Thematic Area of Work
Censuses and surveys
Data Disaggregation
Migrant employment and economic activity
Migration governance and policies
Monitoring progress on SDGs, GCM and other global agreements