

Project Officer (Data Project Development)

Julia Black is part of IOM GMDAC’s Strategy and Communications unit and also works on the Missing Migrants Project. Her work deals with irregular migration, migrant rights, and data collection on hard-to-reach populations. She is the author of the Global Migration Indicators 2021 report, co-editor of IOM’s recent Fatal Journeys reports on migrant deaths and disappearances, and has authored other publications on irregular migration.

Julia holds a MA in International Affairs from the Hertie School and a BA in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of California, Berkeley.

International Organization for Migration
Country of institution/residence
Geographic Scope
Organization Type
International Organization
Thematic Area of Work
Human rights of migrants
Migrant health and well-being
Monitoring progress on SDGs, GCM and other global agreements
Other Thematic Area of Work (type below)
Irregular migration