

Economist, Head of the OECD international migration Division

Jean-Christophe Dumont has been the Head of the International Migration Division in the Direction for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD since 2010. He joined the OECD Secretariat in 2000 to work on international migration issues. He oversees the OECD annual flagship publication on migration International Migration Outlook and of numerous publications on the economic impact of international migration as well as on migration management and the labour market integration of immigrants and their children in OECD countries. He has also worked on migration and development issues and on the international mobility of health workers. He holds a PhD in development economics from the University Paris IX-Dauphine.

Country of institution/residence
Geographic Scope
Sub National Level
Organization Type
International Organization
Thematic Area of Work
Administrative data systems
Big Data
Capacity building and partnerships
Censuses and surveys
Data Disaggregation
Diaspora communities
Forced displacement
Human rights of migrants
Migrant employment and economic activity
Migrant health and well-being
Migrant remittances and links to origin communities
Migration and gender
Migration governance and policies
Migration, environment and climate change
Migration patterns and trends (estimates & projections)
Modelling the relationship between stocks and flows
Monitoring progress on SDGs, GCM and other global agreements