

Technical Officer, Migration and Health EURO

Elisabeth Waagensen is a Medical Doctor and a Master in Disaster Management from the School of Global Health at the University of Copenhagen. Currently a Technical Officer for the Migration and Health Programme in the Country Support for Impact Unit at the WHO Regional Office for Europe.
Focal point for the WHO Collaborating Centers in Refugee and Migrant health, and for administrating the production of publications from the programme, ensuring consistent and respectful representation of refugees and migrants in all outputs. Focal point in the Incident Management Support Team (IMST) during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Particular interest in data collection issues.

World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe
Country of institution/residence
Regional Scope
Geographic Scope
Organization Type
International Organization
Thematic Area of Work
Administrative data systems
Big Data
Capacity building and partnerships
Censuses and surveys
Data Disaggregation
Diaspora communities
Forced displacement
Human rights of migrants
Migrant employment and economic activity
Migrant health and well-being
Migrant remittances and links to origin communities
Migration and gender
Migration governance and policies
Migration, environment and climate change
Migration patterns and trends (estimates & projections)
Modelling the relationship between stocks and flows
Monitoring progress on SDGs, GCM and other global agreements