29 Apr 2021

Migration Data For The Protection Of Migrant Children In The African Context

Millions of children are migrants. They are fleeing war or poverty or the consequences of climate change. These children represent an extremely vulnerable population exposed to danger, exploitation and abuse of all kinds, deprivation and discrimination during their migration journey. They often lack access to education and appropriate medical care, and experience difficulties in adapting to and integrating into the new cultures they encounter. The protection of migrant children and the formulation of appropriate programs to address their needs depends on the availability of reliable, accurate and up-to-date data. This webinar aimed to discuss the availability of data on child migration in the African context and the possible ways to improve these data and fill data gaps. 

Introduced by: 

  • Leila Ben-Ali, Head of Statistics Division, African Union Commission.
  • Danzhen You, Representative of UNICEF, IDAC Chair-in-Office.

Moderated by: Nougbodohoue Samson Bel-Aube, statistician, STATAFRIC African Union (AU)


  • Jan Beise, Statistics & Monitoring Specialist, UNICEF-DAPM - Data and Analytics
  • Estrella Lajom, Coordinator, IDAC Secretariat.
  • Bukola Salami, Associate Professor University of Alberta. 
  • Oumar Diop, Senior Policy Officer, Labor, Employment and Migration Coordinator of Joint Labor Migration Programme (JLMP)

Closing Remarks by

  • Ann Singleton, Senior Adviser to IOMs Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC), Senior Research Fellow, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol.


Protecting Children on the Move --- Closing the Data Gaps in Africa

A Systematic Review on the Health of African Immigrant and Refugee Children

Strengthening data production mechanisms on migrant children and children on the move in Africa


Africa Migration Data Network Webinar Series - Migration Data for the Protection of Migrant Children in the African Context from IOM GMDAC on Vimeo.
