14 Sep 2022

GMDAC 7 Anniversary: Looking Back, Looking Forward

  • Date
    14 Sep 2022, 19:00pm
  • Location
  • Organizer



IOM Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) celebrates its 7th-year milestones on 7 September 2022. Established in Berlin in 2015, at the invitation of the Government of Germany, GMDAC was set up to respond to calls for better international migration data and analysis for policy marking the fifth year since the launch of the Migration Data Portal. Since its inception, the Portal has served as a leading knowledge management tool that consolidates data, trends, resources, and expert commentary on migration data in one platform.  




On 14 September, GMDAC's staff reflected back at the past seven years  on the key achievements past and current projects as well as challenges. During the discussion, GMDAC's staff exchanged with colleagues and partners on GMDAC's work and its way forward under the new Global Data Institute (GDI), as GMDAC and Displacements Tracking Matrix (DTM) will continue working closely together in data harmonization on migration. To access the recording of the discussion, click here.

Links shared during the session:

GMDAC - One Pager Key Facts: GMDAC - One Pager Key Facts | Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (iom.int)

Missing Migrants Project: https://missingmigrants.iom.int  

Migration Data Portal: http://migrationdataportal.org/ 

Migration Network Hub: https://migrationnetwork.un.org/hub 

Migration and the SDGs: 

  1. Measuring progress: https://publications.iom.int/books/migration-and-sdgs-measuring-progress-edited-volume
  2. Leave no migrant behind: https://publications.iom.int/books/leave-no-migrant-behind-2030-agenda-and-data-disaggregation.  

Capacity Building and Innovation:

  1. Data capacity building and innovation: https://gmdac.iom.int/data-capacity-building-and-innovation 
  2. Africa Migration Data Network: https://gmdac.iom.int/africa-migration-data-network-amdn 
  3. Africa Migration Data Network Webinar Series: https://gmdac.iom.int/africa-migration-data-network-webinar-series 
  4. Introductory Course to Migration Data in Africa: https://www.ecampus.iom.int/enrol/index.php?id=533  
  5. Guidelines for the Harmonization of Migration Data Management in the ECOWAS Region: https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pdf/iom_ecowas_guidelines_2018.pdf  
  6. Building Migration Data Capacity. Examples of Good Practices for the African Region: https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pdf/capacity_building.pdf 

Migration Governance Indicators (MGI): https://www.migrationdataportal.org/mgi  

MGI and the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) https://publications.iom.int/books/migration-governance-indicators-data-and-global-compact-safe-orderly-and-regular-migration  

Global Data Institute: https://www.iom.int/global-data-institute  

Implementation Highlights (download): MDS_GDI9.pdf (iom.int)

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